Rewind back to 2 hours before Valentine's day...
I just finish tuition. It was a very tiring day because students were very naughty...
After tuition, I went back home and started to test dress for tomorrow's Valentine's day, thinking which dress should I wear, which shoe is more suitable and choosing accessories to match it.
Everything settled in about half an hour's time... then Hooi reach my house to pick me up...
When we were on the way, he seems like rushing want to go home, rush until he forgotten he promised yam cha with me before go home. but bcos I'm feeling a bit tired, so I said nevermind, just go home rest earlier.....
Once we reach home, I saw the Astro Hua Hee Tai showing the drama very excited, so I stay outside the room to watch... then...
Hooi :"why u dun wan go into the room?"
me :"wait 1st lar, your room air cond sooo cold, somemore u c the bad guy still appear in the movie, very "chi kek" ah..."
Hooi :"ohhh..."
me :"wait 1st lar, your room air cond sooo cold, somemore u c the bad guy still appear in the movie, very "chi kek" ah..."
Hooi :"ohhh..."
Then Hooi walking towards the air cond, I thought he is going to off the air cond, so I turn my head want to ask him whether want to off air cond is it.... but.... I SAW SOMETHING~!!!
me :" HOOI!!!!! why got o.d.m. on ur bed???"
Hooi :" dunno..."
me :" u ahhhh.... faster tell me why got o.d.m. one???"
Hooi :" erm..... ...... ......"
me :" I said dun buy anything liao ma......"
Hooi :" I saw ur old o.d.m. spoil oledi ma tat day."
me :" where got, after adjust tat day then ok oledi ler.."
Hooi :" .........."
Then I stare at Hooi...
Hooi :" faster try n c nice or not..."
me :" sure nice lar... this model I like very much 1..... Thank you nah~~~!!!!!"
Hooi :" dunno..."
me :" u ahhhh.... faster tell me why got o.d.m. one???"
Hooi :" erm..... ...... ......"
me :" I said dun buy anything liao ma......"
Hooi :" I saw ur old o.d.m. spoil oledi ma tat day."
me :" where got, after adjust tat day then ok oledi ler.."
Hooi :" .........."
Then I stare at Hooi...
Hooi :" faster try n c nice or not..."
me :" sure nice lar... this model I like very much 1..... Thank you nah~~~!!!!!"
Then I wearing the new o.d.m. for few hours until I go to bed in the midnight.......
~welcome to my life~ my new o.d.m.

Once again, I need to say Thank You to Hooi... thank you very very very very very much...
I really appreciate the gift, appreciate everything that you gave me...
It was really HAPPY Valentine's Day, thank you Hooi for giving me such a memorable time.
Wish tat we will be happy 4ever...
Hooi, I Love U 4ever~~~

~welcome to my life~ my new o.d.m.

Once again, I need to say Thank You to Hooi... thank you very very very very very much...
I really appreciate the gift, appreciate everything that you gave me...
It was really HAPPY Valentine's Day, thank you Hooi for giving me such a memorable time.
Wish tat we will be happy 4ever...
Hooi, I Love U 4ever~~~

aiyoyor... so damn sweet la!!!
fuyuuu.. dun play play oh... i tot you dun have good memory one. can remember until "one clear two sure".
Hehehe... syiok lo you got new ODM.
Take care of that o.d.m like take care more of me ok?
hehe... thanks edmund~~~
hooi... how can i forget this important things~~~ sure i'll take care my new ODM... i'll sayang him a lot a lot just like sayang u~~~
wow.... very nice present oh..
ya ya~~~ its a very nice present nasi~~~
wow..odm! yiiiiii~~~ so damn nice laaa~ :D
thanks eva~~~
wa, odm~ nice watch~~~~~
happy always~
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